Dear Lily, You are Four!
I can’t believe you are 4 years old already, you are growing so fast. It makes me a little sad to think that you will start reception in September, and you will begin your school journey without your Mummy by your side.
You are growing up into such a caring little lady, you are generally a quiet and content and you enjoy being involved in everything, yet you have a feisty and strong side and you very capable of getting your opinions heard, especially if you think something is unfair. You have a quiet confidence, and learn a lot from observing things. You love watching your peers and take in everything you see.
You enjoy choosing your own clothes now, and will often tell mummy that you don’t like that coat or those boots. You enjoy wearing pretty girly things, but also like your jeans and pretty jumpers. You love your hair, but don’t enjoy it being brushed, we style your hair differently for nursery every day and you know exactly what you like. This month you discovered you have ‘boobies’ when you asked why Amy had them and you didn’t, you were delighted when Mummy showed you yours. Daddy really didn’t know what to say recently when you ran into the kitchen shouting, “look, Daddy, I’ve got boobies”
You love running and jumping and you are very good on your feet now, your balance is amazing. You can run really fast and you are good at peddling your bike too. We are hoping to take your stabilizers off this summer and teach you and James to ride without them.
You have a beautiful caring personality, when you are offered a treat you often ask if James and Amy can have one for later too. You like everything to be fair and you get a little upset if you think something isn’t. You are very affectionate too and like to give kisses and cuddles, you love telling people about our baby in my tummy, and recently you have been telling everyone that she can hear them too.
You love pretend play with Amy, she follows you everywhere, learning all you have to teach her. You love playing with James too and you got a bit upset recently when after playing together for a while at nursery, you had to go inside for storytime, but you cheered up when your teacher said it was hometime soon and Daddy would be there to collect you. You and James are really competitive and this sometimes leads to you being unkind to each other, and we have to step in to keep the peace!
You are very creative and you love making things, painting, drawing and baking. Your favourite game at the moment is collecting lots of small toys from around the house and ‘mixing’ them in a bowl to make a pretend cake, you like making everyone a pretend cake.
You love your independence and we treat you and James the same, even though he is 16 months older. When you wake in the night, you love coming into our room for a cuddle with mummy and daddy.
You memory is amazing and you are learning at a rapid rate. Your vocabulary and speech has come on greatly recently and you are very good at explaining yourself. We played ‘yo ho ho’ memory game recently and I was truly amazed at your excellent memory.
You love listening to James learn and read on an evening, and you can almost read all of his sight words too, which is astounding for your age! You are excellent at writing too and you coloured a picture for Amy recently and asked Daddy how to spell Amy. You wrote the ‘A’ and ‘M’ independently and asked daddy how to do the ‘Y’.
You are sweet, affectionate and loving. You make us proud each day
We will love you always and forever
Love Mummy and Daddy